Saturday, June 08, 2024

Romans 5:5 (KJV) Unshakable Hope

Romans 5:5 (KJV)

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.


I’m focusing my attention on the word “because.” Our hope will not make us or allow us to be ashamed BECAUSE the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost….

- Hope = expectation, confidence

- Ashamed = disgrace, disappointment

- Because = a causation, for that


The reason the confidence of the Christian cannot be disappointed is because of the witness of the Holy Ghost in our hearts. The only absolute assurance of salvation is not based on:

- What you believe,

- What prayer you’ve prayed,

- What church you belong to,

- What baptism you received, or

- What doctrines you’ve ascribed to.


Assurance of salvation must rest only upon the witness of the Holy Ghost in our heart and with our own spirit that one is born again, a child of God. Minus that witness, our Christian hope will certainly disappoint.


Adam Clarke wrote of this verse, “…our hope is of a different kind; it is founded on the goodness and truth of God… We have the most solid and convincing testimony of God’s love to us, by that measure of it which he has communicated to our hearts. … This is, or ought to be, the common experience of every genuine believer…”


#HopeInGod #HolySpiritWitness #AssuranceOfSalvation #GodsLove #ChristianConfidence

Unshakable Hope: The Witness of the Holy Ghost


Call to Action

Are you struggling to find true confidence in your faith? Remember, our hope as Christians is built on the solid foundation of God's love, confirmed by the Holy Ghost in our hearts. Seek the assurance that comes from the Holy Spirit's witness within you.

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Romans 5:5 (KJV) Unshakable Hope

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