Monday, June 03, 2024

Zechariah 10:1 (KJV) Past Blessings and Future Promises

Zechariah 10:1 (KJV)

Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.


I beg forgiveness for the personal nostalgia. I remember hearing Jack Hyles preach on this passage. It was at Grandview Baptist Church outside of Portland, OR. Pastor Mike Mutchler hosted Hyles’ message, “Pray for Rain When It’s Raining.” He urged us to pray for God’s blessings in the midst of times of blessing. Rather than waiting for things to go bad (they always do), pray for God’s good hand during those times in life when you sense that you are experiencing God’s good hand.


Barnes points out that the latter rains were intended to complete what God had begun in the former rains. He says that both had been used as symbols of God’s spiritual gifts. Early rains offer the farmer hope of what is to come.


In the case of Israel, they could look at the blessings of the Lord in the days of Moses, in the days of Joshua, and in the days of David, and see in them God’s future promises for Israel. They could hearken back to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and recall that God had begun a good work in them.


In the case of Christianity, we can look back to the Lord’s love for and sacrifice for His church. We can recall the days of faithful evangelism as witnessed in the book of Acts. We can remember God’s blessings in the days of men like Charles Spurgeon. We can find refreshing in the recollection of the revival days of Moody and Billy Sunday. We can rejoice in those days of church planting in the United States like there was in the 1940-50s.


In the case of the believer, we might look back at the blessings of the evangelist who gave us the gospel, and the goodness of the Lord in giving us faith to believe. For me, I think of the joy of owning my first Bible, my pastor going with me to pick it out. I think of the blessing of Bible studies and devotions with Mike Riggs, the man who discipled me. I can look back at the bliss of attending services with Mike Riggs, Mike Mulhaney, and the others in that small church. I can recall when my soon-to-be bride attended our church for the first time and of the many answers to prayer the Lord has given us.


These earlier rains serve as an earnest for the promises of those coming in our future, especially of those awaiting us in the promise of glory.


#PrayForRain #GodsBlessings #SpiritualGrowth #FaithJourney #RevivalRain

Past Blessings and Future Promises: Remembering God's Good Hand


Call to Action

  • Pray – Seek God’s blessings continually, even in times of abundance.
  • Reflect – Recall and share past blessings to inspire others.
  • Encourage – Support and uplift fellow believers to stay faithful in all seasons.
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    Zechariah 10:1 (KJV) Past Blessings and Future Promises

    1 comment:

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Thank you Pastor.. God bless you more...
