Saturday, July 20, 2024

1 Corinthians 16:2 (KJV) Generous Giving

1 Corinthians 16:2 (KJV)

Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.


As God hath prospered him…” 

So far as my experience as a believer is concerned, we have always interpreted this to mean, “as God has provided for us.” We think of it generally in the terms of Faith Promise Giving to Missions. We can apply it equally to the concept of tithing


The tithe is a very fair form of giving because it is proportionate to our income.[1] One man earns $1000 per month, and another earns $5000 dollars in the same month. One man gives to the Lord $100, and the other gives $500. Each man has given equally—ten percent.


- It’s proportionate.

- It is fair.

- It is equal.


But there is another way to think of this; one that is, I think, more likely the sentiment of the context. The word prosper has to do with success, riches, wealth. This passage views that which God has provided us as more than merely a handout, but as a generous blessing. No matter whether we are the one earning $1000 per month or the one earning $5000 (or even if we receive much less), whatever the Lord has allowed us to receive is a generous outpouring of His blessing. If we think of it in that spirit, we are more likely to give generously.


The man who thinks of his life as meagerly scratching out a subsistence is much less likely to give bountifully than the one who thankfully views his life as successfully stewarding the riches of God.


#FaithPromiseGiving #TithingPrinciples #GenerousBlessings #Stewardship #ProportionateGiving

Generous Giving: Stewarding God's Riches with Gratitude


[1] I believe it would be a much better way to regulate income tax.

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1 Corinthians 16:2 (KJV) Generous Giving

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