Monday, July 08, 2024

Genesis 9:6 (KJV) Protecting Life

Genesis 9:6 (KJV)

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.


This is considered to be the foundation of the second of three God-given institutions:

- Marriage

- Government

- The house of God (church)


Regarding government, its first responsibility is the protection of human life. No man, nor animal, has the right to take the life of a human. Government is instituted by the Lord to protect life, even by taking life if necessary.

- Locally, through police and court systems

- Internationally, through military forces

- Ecologically, through animal control


It appears that as our world’s order becomes less God-centered, governments become less concerned about the very thing for which God established them. Fallen man has become focused on all the wrong things. Governments now throw themselves into:

- Saving predatory animals

- Saving natural resources

- Saving glaciers and ozone layers


Often, they do this at the expense of saving people. Governments are so concerned about saving the lives of criminals that they give those same criminals the means to take the lives of the innocent.


The two great commandments according to Jesus are:

- Love the Lord thy God

- Love thy neighbor as thyself


In abandoning the first, we have abandoned the second.


#BiblicalPrinciples #GovernmentResponsibility #ProtectLife #GodsInstitutions #MoralDecline

 Protecting Life: A God-Centered Government Approach

Call to Action

  • How do you believe our government can better fulfill its God-given responsibility to protect human life?

  • Attend your local town hall meeting or write to your representatives about the importance of prioritizing the protection of the innocent. 

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Genesis 9:6 (KJV)  Protecting Life

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