Sunday, August 25, 2024

Genesis 41:28 (KJV) 7 Seasons of Life

Genesis 41:28 (KJV)

This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh.


The cycles of the earth, seasons of plenty and seasons of famine, are as ordinary and routine as the rainy season is followed by the growing season, which is followed by the harvest season, and then by the winter season. These are set, not by happenstance but by the hand of God. God uses seasons, some more extreme than others, for balance, for cleansing and healing, and, if we are wise, for our edification.


It should not surprise us that God is aware of these seasons, whether ordinary or extreme, and uses them for His purpose in the direction of humanity toward Christ.


God showed Pharaoh what He was about to do through a faithful believer. I am quite confident in the doctrine of the separation of church and state, but that doesn’t negate the fact that wise leaders would do well to let faithful believers advise them on the wisdom and plan of God. He has shown us what He is about to do through the completed and perfect Word of God.


The lesson has only slightly to do with preparing for the famines of life and is ultimately a warning to prepare for eternity once this life is through. The Bible is so much more than a handbook for living. It is more like a GPS, telling us beforehand of obstacles, hardships, and dangers along our path, and directing us away from everlasting destruction toward eternal life with God through Christ.


Good wisdom recommends we take heed to those whose walk with God and understanding of the Word of God might aid us on this path.


#GodsSovereignty  #BiblicalWisdom  #DivineGuidance  #PrepareForEternity  #FaithfulLeadership

7 Seasons of Life: God's Hand in Earthly and Eternal Balance


Call to Action

  • Which season of life are you currently experiencing in your relationship with God?
  • Make a plan to reach out to a fellow believer for support or advice this week.

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Genesis 41:28 (KJV) 7 Seasons of Life

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