Sunday, September 01, 2024

Ephesians 6:13 (KJV) Preparing for Uncertainty

Ephesians 6:13 (KJV)

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


No one wants to live through an “evil day,” but they do happen. That’s why governments have raised armies and trained them. We would like for peacetimes to last forever, and we hope that no evil day comes. However, experience, history, and the observation of human nature have convinced us that an evil day will come. 


Evil days come economically. It’s never wise to spend everything we have the day we receive it, because we never know what the next day will hold—an unforeseen expense, a major health crisis, or a layoff at work. Wouldn’t it be grand if life moved along smoothly and our income always met our obligations? It’s just not the way of the world, so to protect ourselves, it’s wise to put some aside while we have it, as Joseph did, in case of an evil day. 


This is no less true in the spiritual realm. While it is often more difficult to convince people to prepare for things unseen and eternal, that’s the point of this passage. There is the evil day of death when we step out of this world into an unknown eternity. The atheist and agnostic may insist there is nothing after death—just eternal absence. The gadabout would rather ignore the inevitable evil day and glibly flit from flower to flower, pretending they will live happily ever after. The religionist would like to believe that through their good works they can somehow earn a place in some better eternity. But the God of heaven, through His Word, teaches us to prepare through faith in Christ and to put on the armor to stand for Him in our time. 


I sure wish there were no evil days, but that’s just not reality. A smart person admits it and prepares for it, so he can stand in the midst of it. 


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Preparing for Uncertain Days: Practical and Spiritual Solutions


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Ephesians 6:13 (KJV) Preparing for Uncertainty

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