Monday, September 02, 2024

Genesis 47:29 (KJV) Bury Me Not in Egypt

Genesis 47:29 (KJV)

And the time drew nigh that Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: 


Bury me not in Egypt.”


Jacob was born in the Promised Land and lived much of his life there.


- He lived in Haran for twenty years.  

- He lived in Egypt for seventeen years.  

- He died at the age of one hundred forty-seven,  

making it one hundred ten years in the Promised Land.


Jacob knew he was about to die and begged Joseph that, though he would die in Egypt, he would not be buried there. The Promised Land, he said, was the burial place of his fathers, Abraham and Isaac. It was also where his mother, grandmother, and his wife (Rachel, certainly) were buried.


But why would that matter? Once he was dead, why would it matter?


I have a preacher friend who claims that funerals are not for the dead but for the living. I understand what he means, but I doubt those about to die would agree with him. It matters because we all inherently understand that this is not the end. How and where we are buried is, to us, a testimony of where we expect to be eternally. For Jacob, that was represented in the Promised Land—the promise of God.


I know not what my end will be, where, or when I will die. My family's heritage is scattered across the state of Washington. Adding to that, my wife’s heritage is scattered across Oregon, making it hard for us to pick a preferred place. In my case, it probably doesn’t matter too much where I am buried. I’d like it to be next to my wife. But more important to me is that I finish my course, resting in the promises of God.


#BuryMeNotInEgypt  #RestInGodsPromises  #PromisedLandFaith  #JacobAndJoseph  #EternalTestimony

Bury Me Not in Egypt: Four Biblical Truths About Resting in God’s Promises

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Genesis 47:29 (KJV) Bury Me Not in Egypt


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