Friday, October 04, 2024

2 Timothy 3:13 (KJV) From Saul to Paul a Story of Grace

2 Timothy 3:13 (KJV)

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.


Evil men, seducers, and deceivers are among the most undesirable sort of people to the believer. We recognize the harm they do. Whether it is the atheistic evolutionist, the arrogant philosopher, or the anti-Christian religionist, we see them becoming bolder in their approach, vying for positions of influence, and leading generations away from the truth.


We’d like to stop their mouths and shut them down. (Titus 1:11 KJV)

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.


But even in the doing of this, there is reason for grace on our part. Not only are these people deceivers, but they are also:

·       Deceived.  

·       Lied to. 

·       Seduced.


While we may think they are lying, they sincerely believe what they say and are therefore committed to what they do. Their sincerity does not change the outcome. Their sincerity does not make them right. But it does give us reason to be gracious toward them as individuals.


We are debtors to give them the gospel just as much as any other person. I suppose the earliest Christians thought Saul of Tarsus was an evil man, a seducer. But years later, Paul recalled those days when he consented unto the death of the Christians, how he was deceived, deluded, and seduced into thinking he was doing God service. Had it not been for Barnabas, the Apostles themselves might never have learned how this evil man was converted.


That evil man you so passionately despise might be the very person God plans to save. And it might be through you He plans to save them.


·       Reprove evil. 

·       Stand against false teaching and error. 


But always pray for the souls of those evil men and seducers. 


They are as deceived as you once were.


#GraceAndTruth  #PrayForTheLost  #ReproveEvil  #DeceptionAndSalvation  #ShareTheGospel

From Saul to Paul a Story of Grace


  • Are you willing to be a vessel of God's grace to those who are deceived?

  • Reach out to someone in your life who holds false beliefs and start a respectful conversation about the truth found in God's Word.

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2 Timothy 3:13 (KJV) From Saul to Paul a Story of Grace

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