Saturday, October 05, 2024

2 Timothy 4:4 (KJV) Standing Firm in Truth

2 Timothy 4:4 (KJV)

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


The Greek word for “fables” here sounds like “myth” and refers to a tale or fiction.


Notice that the Word is speaking directly to those who once heard the truth. So, we’re not talking about the fables of the non-biblical realm. We’re speaking of those who may have attended a gospel-preaching church but grew bored or disenchanted and began seeking other things.


I’ve met young people who have left one form of orthodoxy or another to experiment with Bahá’í, Buddhism, or various forms of Eastern religion. But that’s rare. Most of the fables that turn people away are more subtle.


The fable of Catholicism

The concept of a Catholic (universal, one-world) church is a fable—a myth. It has no basis in the Bible. It is the result of men assuming they could improve upon God’s design.


The fable of the Reformation

Those who embraced the Catholic fable were easily swayed by the fable of Protestantism. The reformers, though in disagreement with certain tenets of Rome, still clung to much of the Catholic fable. To this day, many confess belief in the “Catholic Church,” never truly having left her. It’s no wonder they are returning to her.


The fable of Islam

Islam is another version of Catholicism. Founded hundreds of years after Christ’s crucifixion, it’s an offshoot of the Catholic heresy, claiming to be the children of Abraham, having faith in Christ (though not as Savior), and having roots in the Bible (though adding to it).


When we see professing (though falsely) believers turning from the truth of God’s Word to these fables, we should not be discouraged. The Bible foretells that this will happen. Our response should be the one instructed in this passage:


         •        Preach the Word

         •        Watch in all things

         •        Endure afflictions

         •        Make full proof of our ministry


#PreachTheWord  #BiblicalTruth  #ExposeFalseDoctrine  #StandForTruth  #FaithOverFables  

Standing Firm in Truth: How to Recognize and Resist False Doctrines


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2 Timothy 4:4 (KJV) Standing Firm in Truth

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