Monday, February 17, 2025

Luke 16:4 (KJV) No Longer Lingering

Luke 16:4 (KJV)

I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. 


The Christian hymn I Am Resolved was written by Palmer Hartsough in the late 19th century, with music composed by James H. Fillmore. The hymn emphasizes a firm commitment to follow Christ, rejecting worldly distractions. It became popular in revival meetings and is still widely sung in churches today for its resolute message.

While I can find no direct evidence that Hartsough based the song on this passage, it is possible that he was influenced by it.

One does not become a Christian through resolution but through faith—"and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."Yet there can be little doubt that a believer must possess a Holy Ghost-empowered resolution if he would "no longer linger, charmed by the world’s delight."

Galatians describes the battle between the flesh and the spirit in every Christian. Our pre-salvation conformity to this world gives the flesh a seeming edge over the spirit. We’ve tasted the world’s delights, and because we often forget the bitter aftertaste, we are drawn, charmed, and almost driven toward them.

How then does the believer resist this charm? Through resolution—not to fight the flesh directly, but to fix our eyes on those things that are higher and nobler.

·       Hasten then, Christian!

·       Hasten, glad and free!

When the world’s pull is strongest, resolve to come to Christ.


#IAmResolved  #Luke164 #FollowChrist #SpiritualBattle #HigherThings

No Longer Lingering: Overcoming the World’s Charm

Are you resolved to follow Christ, or are you still lingering, drawn by the world’s charm?Memorize and meditate on Colossians 3:2"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Let this verse shape your mindset and actions.

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Luke 16:4 (KJV) No Longer Lingering

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