Monday, July 30, 2007

Wartime Sacrifice?

2 Timothy 2:4 KJV
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

I read the other day about the ship Queen Mary II. Though she is now a museum in the Los Angeles area, she has served both as a cruise ship and as a crew ship during World War II. The article said that if one were to tour her today we would find a partition through the middle of the ship, one side depicting how she was outfitted as a luxury cruise liner and the other side depicting her accommodations as a crew ship during the war.

One half of the dining room is equipped with beautiful and ornate place settings. The other side contains bare tin trays. One-half of the sleeping quarters have two bunk beds. The other half has bunk beds seven tall. The two sides of the ship stand in stark contrast to the difference between peacetime and wartime life.

I get under such conviction that Christians today do not understand that we are in a war. This is the most serious battle mankind could ever face. At stake are the eternal souls of men, women, and children. We claim we understand that there is a spiritual war, yet our lives are far too comfortable to be taken seriously as soldiers. What difference might we make in this world if we truly lived and served as wartime soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ?

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