Friday, July 06, 2012

He Doesn't Care

Esther 7:4 KJV
For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my tongue, although the enemy could not countervail the king's damage.
These words of Esther, especially the final phrase, can be a little difficult to comprehend. "… although the enemy could not countervail the king's damage."  It's one of those phrases that is easy to read right by because it doesn't seem to make much sense. Here is the gist of it; Esther was pointing out that Haman, the enemy of her people, had no interest in what was best for the king or the country. His hatred for the Jews had blinded his mind to any benefit they were to the kingdom and any damage to the king and country that would result from their extermination. He just did not care. He had no real love for the king or the country, but only for himself and his goals.

The enemy of God does not care for any people. He hates all people equally though his target for the moment is those who look to the Lord. He cannot see the benefit of the salt and the light of godliness.

He could not care less for the damage that would be done if that Christian influence were removed. His only focus is on what seems best for him and what seems best for him is the eradication of pesky preachers calling people to give up their lives for the cause of Jesus Christ.

Never be deceived. Those who would dismiss the faith of Christ have no real interest in the benefits of others nor are they concerned with what would harm them.
  • They are not loyal to their country any more than they are to God
  • They have but one interest; self. and
  • They will do whatever will benefit that interest


  1. Miss Connie8:33 AM

    Amazing, this thing called truth!

    Thank you for the reminder. I need to care more.

  2. Sister Connie, you are a very caring person.
