Tuesday, February 20, 2018

1 Samuel 28:6 (KJV) How God Speaks

1 Samuel 28:6 (KJV)
And when Saul enquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.
God spoke to people differently in the Old Testament era than He does today. Still, there is always a shadow of the New Testament truth in those Old Testament events. The Bible says God would not speak to him in any of the three most common ways of the time. Perhaps there is a New Testament truth that can be drawn from these shadows:
This would be a direct personal and immediate revelation from God. It seems to be similar to our hearing the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian has heard the voice of God in this manner. Oftentimes we ignore it or do not recognize it for what it is. A common error is to think of this as the supreme revelation of God. Given how easy it is to mistake it, it is really the last line of communication.
This speaks of the function of the priesthood. Dressed in his official garments, the High Priest bore the Urim and Thummim on his person. I think this might correspond to the Word of God. It is the official and recorded message from heaven. It is the most trustworthy communication as it is from God and never changes.
Still, mistakes can be made on the side of human interpretation. Just because we saw it in the Bible doesn’t mean we understood it correctly.
The prophets were called of God “out of the congregation” if you will. These men were given a message from God to the people. It might correspond to our pastors and preachers. These men expound on God’s Word to us. We judge them correct when we determine they preach the Bible.
Saul, not having heard from God in the normal ways, forces his way past them to Samuel.
I wonder if this might not correspond to a believer who rushes to have someone tell him the will of God and doesn’t even attempt to hear from God in the prescribed ways?

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1 Samuel 28:6 (KJV) How God Speaks

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