Saturday, December 29, 2018

Matthew 1:1 (KJV) The Living Book

Matthew 1:1 (KJV)
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
My devotional thoughts today are more philosophical than directly from the text. It is the last few days of this year and today I begin the New Testament afresh. Recently I read an evangelists testimony of having read the Bible through, I think, forty times. He said it is new every time because it is indeed a living book. 
I do not know how many times I have read my Bible through. I have been in the ministry 35 years.[1]I had read my Bible through at least once before leaving for Bible college and I am certain I read it through at least once a year for the first twenty years of ministry.[2]Beginning in May of 2005, I’ve focused more on visiting with God in my Bible reading. Since beginning this regimen I have read the New Testament through almost twice a year and the Old Testament through about once per year. 
I say all of that to say that indeed the Bible is a living book, new with every reading. 
But this term is one I think we need to use caution with. To say that the Bible is a living book is in no way related to the way some scholars say the US Constitution is a living document.[3]The Bible is not meant to be re-interpreted and revised with each new generation and the changing norms of culture. It’s value[4]rests in its immutability. While the sands under the surface of worldwide waters shift, the stars remain constant, giving sailors one thing on which to depend. The Bible is that constant. Its doctrine, its morals, its instruction remains constant, unchanged. People may think differently but God’s message remains the same. Whenever men become lost due to their own wandering, they need only return to the Word of God to find their way to safety. 
What does it then mean that the Bible is living?
  • It gives life to those who believe its gospel
  • Its great teacher, the Holy Spirit, illuminates it to us as we need it
  • With each reading we grow more aware of the depth of its message
  • As our circumstances change the Holy Spirit shines light to aide us in navigating those circumstances 
  • The more we study it the more able we are to compare spiritual things with spiritual 
  • Each new study reveals the meanings of words we never knew before. 
The Bible is a living book because it reveals a living Saviour to living souls. If either is dead the book is dead too. 

[1]I was ordained on this day 35 years ago.
[2]I did not keep track but I know I read three of five chapters a day during those years.
[3]A concept of which I am thoroughly opposed.
[4]And, I would argue, the value of the Constitution.
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Matthew 1:1 (KJV) The Living Book

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