Sunday, May 16, 2021

Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV) It Is Jesus’ Yoke

Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV)

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Jesus extends an invitation to rest. But please notice it is not an invitation to slothfulness. To receive the rest that Jesus offers, one must accept the yoke He offers. So many of those who would be Christians miss this. 

Some wish for absolute ease
They call on the Lord and then they sit down. If Jesus doesn’t do it, then it won’t be done. In their minds it’s all good because it’s all on Jesus. They neither live for Him, speak with Him, or tell others about Him. They may have heard the invitation and responded, but they did not take the yoke. 

Others forget who’s yoke they’ve taken
Christianity for them is all about what they do. They win souls, they create programs, they build churches or other Christian enterprises. They use the name of Jesus, but they leave little to no room for Him in their efforts. If they don’t do it for Jesus, it won’t be done. 

It is Jesus’s yoke
It is easy and light not because it is unoccupied but because it is born by Christ. The labor of the Christian is nearness to Jesus. Such a nearness will always result in a field that is plowed, a seed that is sown, and/or a fruit that is harvested. 

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Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV) It Is Jesus’ Yoke

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