Friday, September 06, 2024

Genesis 50:19 (KJV) 3 Steps Towards Kindness

Genesis 50:19 (KJV)

And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God?


People tend to think of others as they think of themselves. Often, they are wrong. Those who are unkind, vengeful, bitter, and holders of grudges expect that others are just as they are.  

Joseph’s brothers expected that once Jacob was dead, Joseph would seek justice against them for their evil deeds toward him.  


How to be kind to the unkind:

Joseph alleviated their fears with the words, “Am I in the place of God?” 


First, Joseph was under the leadership of God.  

In this place, he could do them no harm because God would not permit it.  


Secondly, Joseph trusted God.  

He believed that whatever had happened or would happen was in God’s hands, and he trusted it would be just and right.  


Finally, Joseph knew he was not God.  

Vengeance belongs to God alone. Since he was not God, it was not his place to exact it. 


Having a proper relationship with God provides us with the opportunities and spiritual resources to be forgiving and kind to all—even to those who have mistreated us.  


#TrustGodNotSelf  #KindnessToTheUnkind  #LeaveVengeanceToGod  #ForgivenessThroughFaith  #UnderGodsLeadership

3 Steps Towards Kindness: The Key to Grace


Call to Action

  • Are you holding onto bitterness or the desire for revenge?
  • Choose one person who has wronged you and show them kindness this week.

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Genesis 50:19 (KJV) 3 Steps Towards Kindness

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